Louisville’s number one resource for locating information about churches and places of worship! We are the most all inclusive resource available for Louisville KY!
Locate Churches In Louisville, Kentucky
Here you can find :
- Addresses
- Websites
- Phone Numbers
- Email addresses
Our database contains places of worship in the metro Louisville Kentucky area. The sidebar to the right hand side lists the places of worship by religion.
Add your Church
If your church is not listed, and would like to be listed, drop us a note via our contact form.
We try to keep the information current on all Louisville churches and rely on persons like yourself to submit correct information to keep us up to date as a resource for everyone in the Louisville Kentucky metropolitan area. If you have any updates, or changes that you would like to submit, please use our contact form above to let us know of corrections.
This project came into being after we found that there simply wasn’t an all inclusive resource available for Louisville churches. So, we started adding names here and there as we came across them. Then we started receiving requests from various persons wanting to get their church added. And the project has evolved into where it is today: Churches in Louisville Kentucky is the most all inclusive resource available for persons wanting to find a church in the metropolitan area.
The Louisville church community is certainly strong and we must admit that we were a bit surprised at the sheer number of churches that we came across and were provided to us once we started compiling this list as a tool available for anyone wanting more information on the various options available within the community.
We thank you for the tremendous amount of support we have received to keep this project going and available for everyone in Louisville KY!